May 3, 2024

As a crucial quarter marked its close at the Tanzania Investment Centre (TIC), my reflections as a board member are filled with pride and optimism. The successes we’ve achieved resonate well beyond routine milestones, reflecting a profound impact on both Tanzania’s investment landscape and its socioeconomic spectrum. Here’s an insightful look at the key accomplishments and the envisaged trajectory for the future.

1. Tanzania Investment Center’s Amplified Impact on Investment Registrations

This quarter has seen a striking uptick in the registration of investment projects. Notably, there is not just an increase in quantity but also an enhanced quality of investments with a focus on capital-rich and job-creating ventures. This improvement emphasizes our commitment at the Tanzania Investment Center to fostering substantial economic growth and employment opportunities in Tanzania.

2. Significant Growth Through Expansion and Rehabilitation Projects

One of the monumental strides this quarter is the successful initiation of over a dozen expansion and rehabilitation projects. This was spurred by the pivotal amendments to the Tanzania Investment Act of 2022, which have significantly smoothed the terrain for existing businesses to expand and refine their operations within our borders.

3. Global Outreach and Investment Promotion

Our global footprint expanded significantly with organized business missions that hosted delegates from over ten countries, including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, Nigeria, Japan, UAE, Italy, and the UK. These missions are crucial pillars in attracting foreign investors interested in key sectors as outlined in the National Development Plan of Tanzania for 2024/2025 (Click here to read more about the Plan : )  . On the flip side, outward missions to Norway, Indonesia, India, and China allowed us to showcase the vast investment opportunities in Tanzania, establishing valuable international ties and encouraging foreign investments.

4. National Investment Promotion and Awareness Campaign

The launch of the National Investment Promotion Campaign in January 2024 was a cornerstone achievement, enhancing the visibility of investment opportunities within Tanzania. By visiting 18 regions and conducting seminars, we effectively engaged local investors, fostering a robust environment for domestic investments.

5. Strategic Mergers and Corporate Planning

A significant structural change was set in motion with the commencement of the merger process between the Export Processing Zone Authority and the Tanzania Investment Center. This move is forecasted to dramatically shift Tanzania’s investment landscape, promoting more cohesive and streamlined operations.

Furthermore, strengthening our strategic direction, the launch of the Corporate Strategic Plan for 2024-2029 maps out our vision for the upcoming years, ensuring that our activities are aligned with national and international economic trends.

6. Enhancements in Partner Relations and Service Delivery

We’ve also fortified our relationships with various development partners, enhancing our collaborative potential to fuel more comprehensive development projects. Improvements in service delivery have been noteworthy, with the registration time for companies now reduced to just three days, exemplifying our commitment to efficiency and client satisfaction.

7. Board and Management Synergy

Another crucial aspect of our success is the strengthened collaboration between the TIC’s management and its board members. This synergy ensures robust support systems are in place, enabling us to stride towards becoming a Center of Excellence and a leading Investment Promotion Authority in Africa.

8. Looking Ahead

As we reflect on these achievements, our journey forward is clear. We aim to continue leveraging these successes while addressing emerging challenges. With a strategic approach and unwavering dedication, Tanzania is set to reinforce its position as a prime investment destination in Africa.

The first quarter’s accomplishments are just the beginning. With a solid foundation and a clear path ahead, the Tanzania Investment Center is poised to drive transformative economic growth, making strides towards sustainable development and prosperity for all Tanzanians.

I am very proud of my team – fellow board members and management at the Tanzania Investment Center. Thank you to all the stakeholders who continue to provide their support and who believe in us.

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